Mihai Ispir
ARTA nr. 1/1989

Enigmatic and upsetting, the characters Camelia Crisan populates her paintings with answer to the exteriorization needing of a world of airy vision, where the spectator is invited with benevolence, but not without malice, to recognize his own fears, obsessions, repressions. more...

Franco Battachi
"Teniamolli d'occhio" TV3 RAI

CAMELIA CRISAN-MATEI, born in a region of Romania in 1954, is the revelation of the Venetian artistic season. Her works were always considered with suspicion during Ceausescu's regime. more...

Pavel Susara
Artists in Half-Light
Camelia Crisan Matei, a Witness and an Agent Provocateur

In a scenery-like world, animated by curtains, scenic effects and gratings that individualize and divide spaces, Camelia Crisan Matei's characters are equivocal actors playing an equally ambiguous part. more...

Georg Aescht
K. K. 872/July 25, 1993/22

Romanian art has not exhausted its metaphysical spirit despite the constant attacks of the present on the time left, a fact which is also proved by Camelia Crisan Matei's works. more...


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